Baltus House Finishes Vertical Construction, Many Buyers Already Closing on Units
Jul 25, 2015 July 25, 2015
The Baltus House is finishing many closings, as the construction has been topped-off recently.
According to city records, eight buyers have finished closing on condos in the end of June for the Baltus House. The first of which closed on June 26. Related Group and Strategic Properties, the developers of the project, state that it was nearly 100% sold after the completion of vertical construction.
The project itself will be 15-stories tall, with 167 units, and will be located at 4250 Biscayne Boulevard. The development received its name from a Spanish furniture maker named Baltus, who closed his local store during the project’s construction. The furniture and interiors of the project had already been secured prior to the business closing.
Baltus House finished vertical construction about the same time as Icon Bay finished theirs. Icon Bay is expected to begin closings shortly.
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