Institute of Contemporary Art Plans for New Museum in the Design District
Jun 02, 2015 June 02, 2015
The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) recently submitted an application to rezone the property they plan on creating a new museum on in the Design District.
The Planning and Zoning Department of Miami is actually suggesting denying the original request for the museum, and wants the property to be rezoned to a different designation altogether.
Whichever zoning designation they go with will end up with the same result. The main difference is the changes in approval process and the length of time it will take to be approved.
The Planning and Zoning Department’s recommendation will cause the museum to require further review and allow for public input on the subject. Additionally, it will be reviewed by the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board of Miami before finishing, and owners of property within 500 feet of the construction zone will be notified of the plans.
A lawyer representing the ICA actually stated that they “agree with and welcome” the recommendation that the department made. He said that the northern portion of the property that touches a residential area will be repurposed into a sculpture garden. He concluded by saying that any future redevelopment of some of the land will be limited to about 23 feet.
Dacra donated the land to the museum, under the condition that a sculpture garden be built in a portion of the land, which they have already planned for.
Photo credit: Renderings -