Population Growth = Economic Growth. Only Question Is: Where Will We Put Everything?
Apr 23, 2015 April 23, 2015
The metropolitan area of Miami increased 66,000 people between July of 2013 and July of 2014. And with this population growth, comes economic growth.
We can thank migration from other countries for a significant portion of Miami’s growth, which is bringing in more international trade. So much, that we’ve planned the upcoming expansion of the region’s two largest ports. We’re also seeing vacancy in high-rises go down. A great deal of land in the region is turning into residential property to accommodate the demand for housing.
In all, we’ll be seeing more business, more jobs and the need for more space to allocate them. We can expect to see a great deal of development in the next few years. This growth comes with major economic opportunities. The challenge will be building efficiently enough to find places to put everything and everyone.
Source: thenextmiami.com